The Town of Windsor Climate Resilience Plan was developed as part of an 18-month CalTrans grant-funded initiative, focused on helping residents and staff better understand and proactively address Windsor’s climate related concerns that enhances the resilience of the entire community. The Town was fortunate to already have an ideal framework in place to support this work including the Town and County Hazard Mitigation Plan, the Sonoma County Community Wildfire Protection Plan, the Sonoma County Resilience and Recovery Framework, and the Town’s Greenhouse Gas Reduction (GHG) Plan. Although the work continues, the development of the Climate Resilience Plan was an important step on the journey. The Windsor Climate Resilience Plan addresses several of the Town’s needs including: completing Transportation Infrastructure and Social Vulnerability Assessments; supporting and facilitating community discussions about our vision for a better and more resilient future; collaboratively developing strategies and approaches to reduce the risk of wildfire, drought, extreme precipitation and flooding on our Town; and finally, publishing a Climate Resilience Plan that reflects our vision for a better future, complies with State mandates for climate change resilience planning, and supports our ability to compete for funding that enhance our resilience efforts.
A visual graphic depicting the difference between climate change mitigation and climate change adaptation (or resilience) planning.
In contrast to a climate change mitigation plan (a strategic plan designed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions), the Windsor Climate Resilience Plan is a climate change adaptation plan (a strategic plan designed to manage and reduce the risks caused by climate change). This project was guided by community values and goals and founded on cutting-edge science and industry best practices on a variety of climate hazards. The Plan identified critical, near-term actions and established a road map for bigger, bolder, and long-term investments that enhance the resilience of the community over the coming decades. The planning effort started with engaging the town’s vibrant community, including residents, businesses, and visitors. And that work must continue. We are a strong, resourceful, and supportive community and we invite you to join us to carry this work through. Successful implementation of the Plan relies on you! Get involved here!